When you join an online dating service, you are looking for a girl that you can like…even come to love. That girl is looking for a guy that SHE can like or even love. What you aren’t looking for is a girl who would like your best friend or your idea of what the perfect guy looks like or talks like or thinks like. So, in order to find the right girl for you…and she IS out…
The Advantages of Online Dating for Women
Read more »In the past, i.e. the 1990’s, online dating was a brand new idea. Unlike today,…
Online Dating For Single Men
Read more »No matter what your age, height, weight or physical appearance, there are thousands of women…
Honesty Really is the Best Policy
Read more »When you join an online dating service, you are looking for a girl that you…
Blind Date vs Internet Date
Deine Freundin hat beschlossen, dass du Hilfe in deinem sozialen Leben brauchst, also arrangiert sie dich mit einem Blind Date…. ein Freund eines Freundes eines Freundes. Du akzeptierst törichterweise. Jetzt sind Sie da. Es ist weniger als eine Stunde her, dass Sie vorgestellt wurden. Du sitzt in einem thailändischen Restaurant und hasst thailändisches Essen. Die Vorspeise ist noch nicht serviert. Seine Vorstellung von aufgeklärter Konversation ist, wer unter den letzten Vier sein wird… Du interessierst dich nicht…
Online Dating Can Be Tough
Here’s a little secret that those of the female persuasion keep from us guys: Women, even very beautiful women,…
It is absolutely true that when online dating sites first started they were populated entirely by perverts, sexual predators,…
The sooner you realize this sad but true fact, the sooner you can get on with finding Mr. Close-Enough-To-Perfect.…
The Advantages of Online Dating for Women
In the past, i.e. the 1990’s, online dating was a brand new idea. Unlike today, most people did not…
No matter what your age, height, weight or physical appearance, there are thousands of women out there eager to…
A couple of popular online activities are sharing recipes and bidding at auctions. And both of these easily fit…
In the past, i.e. the 1990’s, online dating was a brand new idea. Unlike today, most people did not…
Here’s a little secret that those of the female persuasion keep from us guys: Women, even very beautiful women,…
It is absolutely true that when online dating sites first started they were populated entirely by perverts, sexual predators,…
A couple of popular online activities are sharing recipes and bidding at auctions. And both of these easily fit…